I woke up early to make it to Universal Studios around 9 AM.
I went to the Harry Potter section in the Islands of Adventure Park first. I then took the Hogwarts Express train to the original park. It was okay, but I'm not sure it's worth the extra money to travel between the parks. They have TV screens on the windows on one side and projectors on the other side. The cars are set up nicely and it didn't take much time to get between the parks.
Once in the original Universal park I went to the other Harry Potter ride to avoid the crowds as much as possible. The park was pretty empty for a weekend - the longest I waited was for the Jimmy Fallon race through NY as they keep you hostage inside the building before your ride.
The Fast and the Furious ride was not very thrilling. The disaster (Earthquake) ride used to be in the same location and it was quite obvious. The video was very obviously CGI (no damage to the cars when they hit each other).
I brought granola bars, but I needed some real food - so I had a chicken and waffle sandwich for lunch in Krustyland.
I managed to go to all the rides in the original Universal Park, so I took the Hogwarts Express back to the Islands of Adventure. I would have made it to most of the rides there as well, but they closed many at 7 PM due to lightning.
I got some photos are around sunset. By the time I got to the parking structure it was pouring. I was unfortunately parked on the roof, so I got mostly soaked (rain jacket kept my shirt dry, but my shorts were not as lucky)